VR Beyond Gaming

Virtual Reality (VR) in HR: Beyond Gaming

VR Nov 6, 2023

Once only a science fiction dream, virtual reality (VR) has entered the real world of business and is being used in HR and other gaming and entertainment sectors. Virtual reality (VR) is revolutionizing human resources management through its capacity to replicate real-world events. VR is transforming HR procedures, making them more interesting and productive. Examples of this include creative recruitment procedures and immersive training programs. This article examines the creative applications of virtual reality (VR) in HR, presents case studies from the real world, and provides advice on how to incorporate VR into HR initiatives with ease.

Exploring VR's Potential Uses in HR

The immersive quality of VR offers a special set of advantages to different HR roles:

·        Recruitment: Virtual reality (VR) may imitate work settings and duties, giving applicants a chance to experience a typical workday at an organization or gauge their suitability for a position. This helps both companies and candidates make well-informed selections.

·        Onboarding: To make the process more thorough and interesting, new hires can take virtual office tours, communicate with virtual coworkers, or become acquainted with their workplace.

·        Training and Development: Virtual reality (VR) offers an immersive, hands-on learning experience that is both entertaining and powerful. It may be used to strengthen soft skills like public speaking and leadership or to navigate complicated scenarios in a risk-free setting.

Case Studies Showcasing VR in HR

A number of progressive businesses have effectively incorporated VR into their HR procedures:

·        Walmart: Using real-world settings, the retail behemoth trains staff members in management and customer service skills through virtual reality. Employee decision-making abilities and confidence have improved as a result of this immersive training session.

·        British Army: Using a series of virtual scenarios, the British Army uses virtual reality (VR) in its recruitment process to give prospective recruits a taste of army life. They have been able to draw in more knowledgeable and prepared individuals thanks to this creative strategy.

·        Verizon: By immersing staff members in virtual reality simulations that allow them to view life from various angles, Verizon uses VR for diversity and inclusion training. This compassionate attitude has played a significant role in fostering an inclusive work environment.

Tips for Including VR in Your HR Procedures:

VR integration in HR doesn't have to be intimidating. This is how you can begin:

·        Establish Your Goals: Whether your goal is better training programs, stronger employer branding, or more effective hiring procedures, be clear about what you hope to accomplish via virtual reality.

·        Start Small: To begin, integrate VR into only one HR procedure. Keep an eye on the results and get user feedback to learn about any potential problems and how effective it is.

·        Select the Appropriate Technology: Work with reliable VR content producers and technology suppliers who comprehend your goals and have handled projects similar to yours.

·        Educate Your Team: Make sure the HR team knows how to use virtual reality technologies. Their excitement and assistance will be essential to the new tool's effective adoption.

·        Gather Feedback and Iterate: Get input from all parties involved on a regular basis, and be ready to change as needed. Since virtual reality is a developing technology, its application in HR will change more as it advances.

Particularly in the field of HR, virtual reality is proving to be much more than just a gaming tool. Because of its capacity to produce realistic, immersive experiences, it is an extremely effective tool for onboarding, training, and recruitment procedures. A clear plan, a readiness to start small, and an openness to feedback and modifications are essential for any technical investment. By putting these procedures in place, HR departments may fully utilize virtual reality (VR) to produce more interesting, sympathetic, and productive HR procedures that will revolutionize the sector.
